
Harju county hiking trails

Hiking trails in Harju County offer the opportunity to explore the nature of Northern Estonia. Dozens of trails run through the county, ranging from 500 meters to several tens of kilometers in length. Some of the hiking routes also have historical and cultural significance. If you want to skip the details, go straight to the list of hiking trails.

Where to find hiking trails in Harju County

Most of the hiking trails in Harju County are located in the Aegviidu-Kõrvemaa recreation area. Here you can find routes such as Paunküla, the Jussi nature trail, and the Kakerdaja bog trail, part of which belongs to Järvamaa county. These routes offer a chance to admire various types of forests and lakes.

No less popular are the routes that run through the territory of Lahemaa National Park. The Viru bog, the most popular tourist destination in the county, deserves special mention. The Majakivi-Pikanõmme hiking trail, which introduces visitors to the sights of the Juminda Peninsula, is also worth noting.

There are also hiking opportunities in Tallinn. In this case, we are talking about health trails that run through forest areas. The Pääsküla bog, the bird sanctuary of Paljassaare, the forests of Harku and Nõmme, as well as the health trails of the Pirita River Valley and the Õismäe bog are particularly noteworthy.

Hiking in the bogs of Harju County

The bogs of Harju County attract those who love to swim in the lakes. However, not all bog lakes are suitable for swimming. For most tourists, it will be enough to simply admire the unforgettable views.

There are several large bogs in the Harju County area. Heading towards Haapsalu is the Valgejärve natural trail. The most famous bog in the Aegviidu-Kõrvemaa recreation area is Kakerdaja, and in Lahemaa it is Viru bog. Part of the Majakivi-Pikanõmme hiking trail also passes through the bog.

To see a real bog, you don’t have to leave Tallinn. You can get a sense of it by hiking the Pääsküla bog. There are several trails here, ranging from three to nine kilometers in length.

Features of Hiking on the Trails of Harju County

To hike the natural trails of Harju County, it is important to choose the right time. During the summer, it is best to travel in the morning or evening. This is also the ideal time to take the most stunning nature photos.

Early autumn can be considered the perfect season for hiking. It is no longer as hot, but not yet too cold. Moreover, nature looks especially beautiful in the fall! Nonetheless, we recommend hiking regardless of the season.

Most of the hiking trails in Harju County are well-equipped. You will either walk along forest paths or wooden boardwalks. The boardwalks can be slippery in rainy weather. Toilets are located at the beginning of almost every route, and many trails have fire pits.

List of Hiking Trails in Harju County