Von Bock House

One of the most striking landmarks of Estonia’s university capital, Tartu, is the von Bock House. This building, which attracts tourists’ attention, is adjacent to the main building of the University of Tartu. The uniqueness of the house lies in the fact that its walls and windows host a permanent art and photo exhibition.

The History of von Bock House

The house owes its name to its owner, Colonel Magnus Johann von Bock. The building was constructed in 1780. In 1839, it was purchased by the University of Tartu. Over time, it has housed the university clinic, a veterinary school, and the library of the Estonian Scientists’ Union, and during the Soviet era, it was a place where Marxism-Leninism theory was taught.

In 2007, the von Bock House was opened to the public after extensive restoration. The restoration work significantly changed the appearance of the building. Notably, a permanent photo exhibition by Alar Madisson was placed on the wall facing Jakobi Street. The windows of the building display portraits of legendary professors and current lecturers of the University of Tartu.

Photo Gallery

What is depicted on the facade of von Bock House?

The side of the von Bock House facing the tourists heading towards the university from the Town Hall Square is recognizable. It features the main university building from the 19th century, along with a part of the street. Today, the von Bock House is owned by the University of Tartu and hosts the Institute of Cultural Studies and Art History.

Location on the Map

Other Interesting Sites

  • We highly recommend visiting the Museums of Tartu. Find something interesting for yourself in the history of the city.
  • The Anatomical Theatre has historical significance for the city. Its building is interesting from an architectural perspective.
  • The Tourist Information Center is located in the Tartu Town Hall. Do not miss the opportunity to visit this historic building!