Monument to Ernst von Bergmann

The monument to Ernst von Bergmann is located in the Toomemäe Park in Tartu, close to the Devil’s Bridge. It features a concrete composition with the bust of the distinguished doctor. Two benches have been placed next to the monument.

Monument History

Ernst von Bergmann (1836 – 1907) was a renowned surgeon, one of the first to apply antiseptic techniques during surgeries. He was educated at the University of Tartu. In 1871, he became a professor of surgery. Bergmann is credited with some of the earliest works in military field surgery and neurosurgery.

Ernst von Bergmann’s studies at the University of Tartu were from 1854 to 1860. After defending his doctoral thesis, he remained in Tartu, where he taught surgery until 1878. He later moved to Germany, where he spent the rest of his life.

The monument to Ernst von Bergmann was erected in the early 20th century by Adolf von Hildebrand. The monument’s solemn unveiling took place in 1913. It is listed as a “historical” site and is under state protection. Benches for resting have been installed on the monument’s pedestal.

Map Location

Other Points of Interest

  • The city’s most famous and recognizable symbol is the sculpture of the Kissing Students, located in front of the Tartu Town Hall.
  • For those interested in learning more about the history of the Estonian people, a visit to the Estonian National Museum is recommended. Its building deserves special attention due to its unusual architecture.
  • Furthermore, a visit to the Tartu Observatory is a must. It is listed as a UNESCO World Heritage Site.