Monument to Eduard Tubin

On the slope in front of the Grand House of the Vanemuine Theatre in Tartu, an improvised stage has been set up for an imaginary orchestra. It is led by the famous Estonian symphonist Eduard Tubin, whose image is captured in a bronze monument. Twice a day, music composed by him is played here, for the enjoyment of any passerby.

Who is Eduard Tubin?

Estonian composer and conductor Eduard Tubin was born on June 18, 1905, in the village of Torila, located on the shores of Lake Peipus. From 1930 to 1944, Tubin served as a concertmaster and conductor at the Vanemuine Theatre. In 1944, he emigrated to Sweden, where he spent the rest of his life. The composer died on November 17, 1982, in Stockholm.

Eduard Tubin is the author of several dozen works, including the ballet “Kratt”, the operas “The Teacher from Reigi” and “Barbara von Tisenhusen”, ten symphonies, two violin concertos, and much more. Critics have noted the distinctive feature of his musical language as a synthesis of expressionism, neoclassicism, and the epic nature characteristic of northern countries.

Description of the Monument

The unveiling of the monument to Eduard Tubin in Tartu was timed to coincide with the 100th anniversary of his birth. The solemn ceremony took place on June 19, 2005. The monument was created by sculptor Aili Vahtrapuu and architect Veronika Valk. The sound installation was created by the Frenchman Louis Dandrel.

Interestingly, one can “request” the composer to play one of his pieces at any time. The unique feature of the Eduard Tubin monument is that the sound installation can be activated by striking a gong located on the wall. It’s worth noting that Tubin’s symphonies are often compared to the works of Sibelius, Nielsen, and Shostakovich.


Other Points of Interest

  • Near the Vanemuine Theatre, there is the Arch Bridge, also known as the Students’ Bridge, which offers a splendid view of the Emajõgi River.
  • In the old town, there is a sculpture titled Father and Son. This is indeed a great spot for Instagram photos!
  • We also recommend exploring other attractions in Tartu. Visit the appropriate section of our website to learn about interesting and beautiful places!