
Kalamaja Park

Kalamaja Park is located in Põhja-Tallinn. It is situated on the place of the former cemetery. Today it is a public place, the entrance to which is open every day from 6.30 to 23.00 hours. At night the gates of the park are closed.

History of Kalamaja Park

The first written mention of Kalamaja cemetery dates back to 1561. According to this data, two thousand Swedish soldiers were buried here. Later parishioners of the Church of the Holy Spirit and the Swedish Church of St. Michael were buried there.

The Kalamaja cemetery was closed in 1950. In 1964 it was rebuilt into a park. In 1993 the Estonian state took it under protection. At the end of the first decade of this century it underwent extensive reconstruction works.

Today there is little reminiscent of the historical past of Kalamaja Park. Paths are paved here, benches for recreation are installed, and fountains work. The park is quiet and peaceful. It is hard to imagine a place more conducive to quiet rest and reflection on the eternal.

What is interesting about Kalamaja Park?

Kalamaja Park has two entrances. One is from Tööstuse Street and the other is in front of the hangars of the Seaplane Harbour Museum. From the park you can cross to the Noblessner Quarter, where the popular restaurants are located.

The main attraction of Kalamaja Park is the gate tower built in 1780. It has been preserved to this day. Today there is an exhibition of tombstones that used to stand on the local graves.

Photo Gallery

Park Fountains

There are two fountains in Kalamaja Park. One of them is located near the main gate. It is a kind of pedestal from which jets of water gush out, falling into a niche located in its lower part. The fountain is installed on the edge of the walkway.

The main decoration of the center of the park is the “fountain of mist”. It is this climatic effect is created by small drops of water. If you admire the fountain from a distance, it seems that this is not a water ornament, and emerged out of nowhere a wall of mist.


Other parks in Tallinn

  • The main park of the Estonian capital is Kadriorg. This is a historical place with a long history.
  • Animal lovers should definitely visit the Tallinn Zoo. Recommended for families with children.
  • This is a great place for walks in the fresh air – the Botanical Gardens of Tallinn. Be sure to check out the local greenhouse.