
Narva Art Gallery

The Narva Art Gallery was established in 1991 as a branch of the Narva Museum. Over time, it has become the cultural hub of the Ida-Virumaa county. It’s located on the historic Gloria bastion in a former military granary built in 1777, initially serving as a powder magazine.

What to see at the Narva Gallery?

The Narva Museum’s art gallery regularly hosts exhibitions featuring artists from Estonia and around the world. Its permanent collection mainly consists of works from the 19th-century Narva merchant Lavretsov’s art collection, along with pieces from other museum funds.

A significant part of the gallery’s collection includes portraits painted in Russia by S. Pfandzelt. It also features works by artists who lived in Narva, such as J.H. Vedekind and H. Buchholtz. Russian art from the 19th and early 20th centuries is represented by masterpieces from Aivazovsky and Lagorio.

The creativity of Estonian artists is also on display, highlighting those whose lives were closely connected with this border town. Works by natives and long-term residents of Narva hold a special place in the exhibition. 

Location on the map

Other attractions

  • While exploring the city, make sure to walk along the Narva River Promenade. It’s one of the most picturesque spots in northeastern Estonia!
  • The main attraction of the city is Narva Castle. Explore the museum exhibition and climb to the observation deck located on the top floor of the castle tower for a magnificent view.
  • If you’re in Narva during the summer, visit the Kreenholm Manufacturing Company. Tours are available only in the summer months.