Hahn’s steps

Adolf Hahn’s staircase is one of the historical landmarks of Narva. It is located near the Dark Garden and leads to the Narva River Promenade. The staircase is named after the Mayor of Narva, who served as mayor of the city from 1873 to 1877.

History of the Hahn’s Steps

Hahn’s Steps was built in 1875. Originally it was quite long, but after the bridge across the Narva River construction, it was shortened. It happened so that one of its spans was just underground.

According to the project, niches with benches for resting were installed on the edges of the stairwells. Along the edges of the stairs along the railing, there are decorative pine trees. From here you can see what is happening on the Russian side of the Narva River.

Today Hahn’s Steps are not used as they should be. Because of the proximity of the border point, the lower part of the stairs is closed. It is impossible to go down to the water by the old steps to the new well-kept promenade.

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Hahn’s Steps on the Map

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