
Narva College of the University of Tartu

The Narva College of the University of Tartu is located in the city center, right next to the historic town hall. Students here receive a high-quality academic education, endorsed by Estonia’s oldest and highly respected university beyond the nation’s borders. The building’s facade, facing the Town Hall Square, is a replica of the pre-World War II structure that was destroyed during the bombings of 1944. Inside, there’s a conference center and the popular Muna café.

The History of Narva College of the University of Tartu

Founded in 1999, Narva College initially occupied the Narva Higher School premises, with buildings constructed in the 1960s based on a standard secondary school design. The idea to build a modern facility on the former exchange site was first mentioned in 2003, but it took nearly a decade to fully realize.

An architectural contest for the college’s design was announced in 2005. The project titled “Rain” claimed a convincing victory and was approved for construction by Narva’s city assembly in 2006. However, opposition to the construction of a modern building on the Town Hall Square, fearing it would hinder the restoration of Narva’s historical appearance, delayed the project.

Bureaucratic hurdles resulted in missed opportunities for funding, eventually doubling the cost of the project. The final sum reached nearly 150 million Estonian kroons. The grand opening of Narva College of the University of Tartu took place in 2012.

Location on the Map

Nearby Attractions

  • Close to Narva’s Town Hall Square is the Dark Garden, a perfect spot for romantic walks with a splendid view.
  • Also, the Narva River Promenade is nearby, offering facilities for sports and leisure.
  • One of Narva’s most fascinating architectural monuments is Alexander’s Cathedral. Be sure to visit.