
KUMU, art museum

KUMU is a museum in Tallinn, located in Kadriorg Park. It is the largest branch of the Art Museum of Estonia. Its exposition is based on the works of artists and sculptors of the republic.

Exhibitions of contemporary artists are also held here. The museum also has a cafe and a conference room. KUMU is a modern meeting place for creative people and those interested in art.

History of the art museum

The history of the Art Museum of Estonia began with its founding in 1919. However, it opened its doors to visitors only in 1921. At that time it was located in the Kadriorg Palace, which in 1929 the state took again from the museum to rebuild it into the residence of the President of the Republic.

Until 1946 the museum exhibition was located in various places until it was returned to Kadriorg. The palace premises were used as a museum until 1991. However, due to the lack of proper maintenance the building was depreciating and needed repairs. This circumstance forced the state to guarantee the construction of a new home for the Art Museum.

In 1994, the Ministry of Culture held a competition for the project KUMU building, which was won by Finnish architect Pekka Vapavuori. But construction itself began only in 2003 and lasted three years. The grand opening of the new museum took place in 2006.

Exhibition of the KUMU Museum

The collection of the Art Museum exceeds 60,000 exhibits. The KUMU exhibition covers five floors. Here one can admire works of Estonian artists dating back to the eighteenth century, as well as the more recent works. Thus, the Art Museum serves as a national gallery.

The KUMU is divided into floors as follows:

  • Auditorium and café, the entrance is from the side of Kadriorg Park;
  • Large hall, bookstore, library, souvenir shop, information;
  • classics of Estonian art from the 18th century to the end of World War II;
  • Estonian art from the Soviet period (1945 – 1991);
  • contemporary art gallery and temporary exhibitions.
  • Johan Köhler’s work occupies a special place in the museum’s exposition, with an entire room dedicated to his paintings. Sculptures by Jaan Kort, Amandus Adamson, August Weisenberg and many others are also on display.

Photo gallery

Location on the map

Address: Weizenbergi 34 / Valge 1
Official website: kumu.ekm.ee

Other branches of the Museum of Art

  • Museum of Foreign Art – Kadriorg Palace. Also of interest is a visit to the building from the times of Peter the Great.
  • Private collection of art works – Mikkel Museum. You can visit on the same ticket as the Kadriorg Palace.
  • Branch of the art museum in the church Niguliste. The main attraction is the epic painting “The Dance of Death”.
  • Art Gallery – Adamson-Eric Museum.
  • House-museum of Kristjan Raud.

Interesting facts

  • KUMU regularly holds themed exhibitions of artwork. They are announced on the museum’s official website. We announce the most interesting ones on our Facebook page.
  • To get to the museum faster, the administration recommends buying e-tickets. They work on the basis of a QR code.
  • There is a cafe at the museum, where you can drink coffee and eat cake.