Toy Museum and Theatre House

The Toy Museum and Theatre House in Tartu is the best place to go with children in the city. The institution offers an extensive entertainment program that will be interesting to both children and adults. In addition to seeing the exposition, young visitors are invited to spend time in the playroom.

Museum exposition

The basis of the Toy Museum in Tartu is children’s toys from different eras. In addition to the exposition, the museum offers art dolls and traditional toys of Finno-Ugric peoples. In addition, visitors are invited to get acquainted with star-studded dolls.

The Tartu Toy Museum also includes a cinema and theater house. Here you can look at the main actors of animated films and actors of puppet shows. All exhibits were made in Estonia. Here you can also get information about actors of puppet theaters from all over the world.

Toy Museum in Tartu was established in 1994. Initially it was located in the basement of a house on Lai Street that belonged to the Culture Department of the City Hall. In 2003, the institution moved into more spacious apartments, which it occupies to this day.


Address of Toy Museum in Tartu:
Lutsu 8, 51006 Tartu

Other museums to visit with children

  • One of the main places for a family visit in Tartu is Ah-haa Center. Here you can spend several hours studying scientific phenomena.
  • You can have fun and take unusual photos in the Upside Down House. This is the only such place in Estonia.
  • For those wishing to gain knowledge about nature, we recommend visiting the Aquarium Lake Museum. Here you can see different types of fish.