Monument to Johan Skytte

The monument in the form of a seal is one of the most fascinating landmarks in Tartu. It is located opposite the building of the Supreme Court of Estonia. The memorial is dedicated to Johan Skytte.

Who was Johan Skytte?

Johan Skytte lived from 1577 to 1645. He was a prominent Swedish statesman, as well as a teacher and advisor to King Gustav II Adolf. Starting in 1622, Skytte served as the chancellor of Uppsala University. From 1619 to 1634, he held the position of Governor-General of Livonia, Ingria, and Karelia.

In 1632, Skytte became the chancellor of the University of Tartu. He took up the position immediately after its establishment, making him his first chancellor and significantly influencing the university’s future.

Upon the opening of the University of Tartu, Johan Skytte was the first to articulate the idea that not only the descendants of wealthy townspeople but also peasant children should study here. It is also worth noting that Skytte’s son Jacob, who later became the first rector of Estonia’s most renowned educational institution, received his education here.

Description and history of the monument

Johan Skytte’s memory was immortalized in 2007. The monument to Johan Skytte is a huge seal, measuring 2.4 meters in height and 3 meters in diameter. Stainless steel was used for the monument’s construction, onto which text and a photograph were applied using laser engraving.

The monument to Johan Skytte was created by Estonian sculptor Tiit Kirsipuu. Its unveiling was timed to coincide with the 375th anniversary of the founding of the University of Tartu. Queen Silvia of Sweden participated in the ceremonial opening.


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