
Church of the Narva Icon of the Mother of God

The Church of the Narva Icon of the Mother of God was built in 2003. The construction received the blessing of Metropolitan Cornelius of Tallinn and all of Estonia. Building work started in the autumn of 1998 and lasted almost five years. The grand consecration of the new church took place on May 17, 2003.

The History of the Church of the Narva Icon of the Mother of God

The architect behind the Church of the Narva Icon of the Mother of God project was Pavel Grigoriev from Ivangorod. Initially, the church was to be built of stone, but due to the area’s heavy marshland, this idea was abandoned. Ultimately, the building’s second floor was constructed using log cabin techniques.

The log cabin construction took place in the territory of neighboring Ivangorod, in front of the Holy Trinity Church under the supervision of the architect. Later, the construction progress was monitored by the Narva architect Andrey Prokopovich.

The history of the Church of the Narva Icon of the Mother of God is linked to the era of Ivan the Terrible. It is known that the Russian tsar’s troops took Narva in 1558, subjecting the city to cannon fire. Later, in the ashes of one of the houses, undamaged icons of the Mother of God and Saint Nicholas were found. Until 1940, the icon was kept in the Ivangorod Assumption Church and, after its closure, in the church of the Iveron Monastery community.

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