
Puppet Theatre Museum

The Nuku Puppet Theatre Museum (Museum of Pupperty art) in Tallinn gives a behind-the-scenes look at the Estonian Puppet Theatre. A visit to this fairytale world is interesting for both children and their parents. Seeing Nuku is not only educational, but also entertaining, as part of the exhibit is interactive and allows you to be part of the miracle.

Puppet Theatre Museum Exhibit

Nuku visitors have the opportunity not only to admire the finished dolls, but also to observe the process of their production. The aisles of the historic building, where the museum is located, are connected by a glass bridge, which leads tourists to the workshop, where the everyday life of puppet masters takes place. Here you can also see the creative process of the actors of the theater.

A special place in the Tallinn Puppet Museum is the “Basement of Horrors”. Only the bravest and most desperate visitors usually go here. The inhabitants of the basement are fear mongering puppets that embody unclean powers and other monsters.

The museum has an “electronic post office”. Here you can take a picture and turn your image into a puppet form, and then send it by e-mail to friends and acquaintances. In addition, for a nominal fee, you can insert the picture into a souvenir button or make it into a keychain. Here you can also make a commemorative coin to mark your visit to the museum.

Video from museum


Lai, 1
Official website: eestinoorsooteater.ee

Interesting facts

  • Children under the age of 3 can visit the museum for free.
  • In the museum atrium you can see fragments of plays that are no longer on the stage of the Nuku Theater. Some productions are made especially for the museum.
  • The museum offers the possibility of group tours for 10 people or more.