
Majakivi-Pikanõmme Hiking Trail

The Majakivi-Pikanõmme Hiking Trail is located in Harju County and belongs to Lahemaa National Park. Its length is seven kilometers. The route is circular and is designed to introduce travelers to the Juminda Peninsula.

Description of the Majakivi-Pikanõmme Trail

The Majakivi-Pikanõmme trail is shaped like the number 8. Most of it goes through the woods, where you can see different types of vegetation. Approximately 2 kilometers of the path passes on a wooden planking.

The trail is marked with tags in white and green. Look for them on tree trunks. There are three large and nine small information boards along the route. In the middle of the road is a high observation tower, which offers a gorgeous view of the surrounding area.

The study trail allows you to see coniferous and deciduous forest. Part of the way through the high bog. The observation tower is set on the highest point of the Juminda Peninsula, which is 33 meters high.

What to see on the trail

The main attraction of the Mayakivi-Pikanõmme trail is the giant boulder of Mayakivi. It is believed to have been brought here during the Ice Age. The stone reaches a height of 7 meters and the girth is 32 meters. The boulder can be climbed by wooden stairs.

As mentioned above, there is an observation tower on the trail. Its height is 13.5 meters. Considering that it itself stands on a hill, travelers will be able to view the surrounding area from a height of 47 meters.

After passing the trail, it is also worth visiting the village of Yuminda. The main attraction here is the war memorial. Also in the village you can admire the fishermen’s huts and look at the lighthouse.

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How to get there

The distance from Tallinn to the Majakivi-Pikanõmme Trail is 62 kilometers. This distance can be covered in 50 minutes. Below is a map, based on which it will be more convenient for you to make a route.

Other beautiful places

  • In the Aegviidu-Kõrvemaa recreation area, the Kakerdaja bog is very popular.
  • Not far from Rapla is the Mukri swamp. Here you can admire the surroundings from a high tower.
  • If you want to learn more about the types of forests and the different periods of their growth, we recommend the Ojaäärse Trail.